
About the Artist:

Robert was born in San Antonio, Texas, but living in Fort Worth since his eighth birthday considers it his home. His father, as a young man, was a singer, musician, and a muralist. In following any artistic opportunities, the family lived in a number of places, from Galveston, Texas to St. Paul, Minnesota. For Robert, as a child, art and music was an inescapable circumstance. And so he found it an especially natural progression to pursue the arts.

In his late twenties mid 1980s, temporarily living in Germany, he painted contemporary works in an improvised studio. And, while traveling Europe, produced plein air works in Holland and France.
Moving back to the states late 1980-90s, he exhibited in a variety of juried and invitational shows. In his late thirties his contemporary works on paper were placed and citied by notable jurors such as Ms.Wendy Wietman – Prints and Illustrated Books – Museum of Modern Art, New York. Mr. Ned Rifkin – Chief Curator for Exhibitions – Hirshorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institute, Wash. D.C. And for contemporary painting by Mr. David Ross – Director of the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, Mass. with a studio visit by Mr. Ross and Ms.Carolyn Huber from the Museum of Contemporary Art, Houston, Texas.
With his latest interest in conventional oil painting, he has placed in “The Rio Brazos Exhibition” sponsored by Tarleton State University. And completed a two person exhibition “A Brush with a Friend” with extraordinary pastel artist Lynda Conley. With an introduction thru his dear friend Ron Wilkerson, now since departed. He was annually participating in the invitational plein air event “Paint Out” for the gala and auction “An Artist Christmas”, donated artworks for Campfire Boys and Girls USA.

The Artist on his Art:
I appreciate all of the wonderful facets of the arts from cave paintings to contemporary art. It comes down to being excited about creating. And in in my painting at present, using color expressively as an element and depicting the subjects I love and care for.